So here we are, on a Newgrounds profile page! :D
I will seize this oppurtunity to write a little more about me:
- I love video games, and have been recently going through a terrible, renewed addiction to them thanks to the men of my life.
- ... Even though I love video games, I'm generally mediocre to awful at them.
- I draw, write, sing, photograph, pixel, and occassionally spew forth random art forms that no one has thus named yet.
- I'm a huge nerd/geek. ^///^ I'm especially fond of reading, and am an English major in college! I hope to teach at a university some day~
- I also like anime, manga, Japan, etc...
Whheeelllppp... That's about all I can think of at the moment. Any questions? @.@
Nice to meet you
.. ^///^ Nice to meet you as well~